We are a 12-step fellowship for family and friends of those suffering from addiction. The Nar-Anon program is designed to help relatives and friends of addicts recover from the effects of living with an addicted person.

We come to find a way out of our despair and to use tools of the program to regain our lives. Nar-Anon is a spiritual program, not a religious program. We do not advocate any particular belief system.


  • Learn drug abuse is an illness
  • Share our experiences, strength and hope
  • Regain confidence
  • Improve the Family Attitude


We know what it is like to be alone with this problem, to deal with feelings of panic, frustration and desperation. In the Nar-Anon program we learned that the drug abuser’s illness affects the lives of everyone close to them and that we too needed help.

It has been a great relief to learn more effective ways of coping with the situation while at the same time gaining some peace of mind, hope and help in finding a better way to live.